Sunday, June 10, 2007

Two months and two days..

Welcome to my blog!

This is my first blog and my first entry, so forgive me if it turns out weird or kookie looking. Hopefully, this will be the start of many more blogs that will record the stories and adventures of my year in Talanga. I cannot believe that two months and two days from today I will be in Honduras. It has been a long journey to this point and it is incredibly exciting to know that only a short time separates me from actually arriving in Honduras. I will be moving to Talanga as a Passionist Volunteer. The Passionist Volunteers International is a branch of the Passionists that provide an opportunity for recent college graduates to live and serve in a community in Jamaica and Honduras. In total, there will be four of us (me, Amy, Matt, and Tyler).

As I mentioned before, it has been a long, exciting journey so far. It started in January with a preliminary application, a phone interview, the longest application Ive ever filled out, a Spanish interview (the most painful and embarassing interview of my life...hahah...mi espanol no es bueno), and then a discernment weekend full of fun, interviews, and new friends. In March, I found out that I had been accepted and ever since I have been amazingly excited. There is so much ahead of us and I cannot wait to experience everything.

Up next is orientation. We will spend three weeks in Pittsburgh and New York becoming oriented with each other....haha...Im not sure exactly what we will be doing, but it will be a blast and hopefully we will learn a lot and feel better prepared for our journey.

I found this quote today and I love it....

"If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito" (Betty Reese)

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