Sunday, September 9, 2007

An Explanation for the Photos below...

I couldn’t figure out how exactly I could write and put pictures at the same time. And so I am going to try and explain the photos in the previous entry here.

1. Man on Bike: A snapshot taken the morning of the grand pilgrimage. In the back ground, are the many, many people in the first legs of the walk. And then in the foreground, the man on the bike rode along with us for the entire walk. In the box on the end of his bike is some kind of sherbet ice cream stuff that he sold to us as we walked.

2. Pilgrimage: An action shot of us walking and the multitudes of people. Note the umbrellas that the people are carrying umbrellas and the hill we are climbing. This is the point where we dropped off rocks that we were carrying to spell out the name of the pilgrimage which was The Way of Christ.

3. Triumph: Amy and I were the fearsome females who completed the whole walk and this is our victory photo. Yes, we are dirty, sweaty and very gross and tired…but we did it. And it was awesome.

4. Girl with Pigeons: Outside the cathedral in Tegucigalpa.

5. The Team: We went to the Talgua caves on a Church excursion and this is my beloved team. Tyler, Matt and Amy with big smiles on their faces.

6. Roads of Talanga: After some light rains and with more on the way, the streets of Talanga look pretty smooth.

7. Smiles: The beautiful smiles of six girls at a birthday party for an 8 year old. They had just enjoyed enchiladas and played jump rope in the street.

8. Wires: No wonder electricity goes out pretty often here. These are the wires in Tegucigalpa. What a mess and apparently a lot of them don’t work and they just leave them up!! Ha!

9. Mum: This is for you Mum. This is a Montessori classroom at the orphanage we went to. They have classes from preschool to second grade as well as catechism classes.

10. Hands of God: One of my favorite photos. This is part of a mural at the orphanage at the stadium style designed Church that holds 600 kids on Sundays. I just love it.

11. Boys and Sticks: On our way to Valle de Angeles, I was able to snap this photo along the side of the road. This is very common and very normal, but beautiful in a very strange way.

12. Cross: On our adventure to meet the Cardinal, we spent about an hour in the gardens waiting for him. This is one of the crosses from atop the Stations of the Cross that encircle the garden.

13. Contrast: Another picture I somehow took as we driving. This is just a sneak peek of the beauty of the country of Honduras…the mountains are jaw dropping beautiful, but then poverty like this house scars the landscape.

14. Three Amigos: These three men live right now the street from us…maybe three houses from us. People stop to chat all the time and this picture to me is what Honduran life is like.

15. Home Sweet Home: This is our home! We will be moving in November, but for now this is where we cook, sleep, and everything else! Our truck is in the corner of the picture too.

16. Our life source: This is our pilla. I don’t even know what the word is in English. This is where we get water on Mondays and Fridays…sometimes. And it is here that we go to fill up the buckets for the showers and for the kitchen and it is here on the end, that we scrub clothes and then hang them to dry in the yard.

There is a sneak peek into my life in pictures. Now that I have figured out the trick, Ill try to post pictures once or twice a month to give you guys a better visual of what I am experiencing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanted to say hello and tell you how awesome your mission is. Glad you're OK, Dan keeps us posted. He passed on your blog to me. God bless you for your experiences and compassion.

Eileen and Josh Brown