Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Mission Statement

I am governed by a faith that does not allow me to merely say ‘I believe,’ but a faith that compels me to live, serve, and befriend the crucified of today. It is faith that fills me with a true sense of joy and purpose that allows me to realize that who I am is secondary to what I am doing and who I am serving.

I am supported and embraced by the loving encouragement that is my family—the best team I’ve ever belonged to. Despite countless miles between our hearts, may I be ever present to the gifts of laughter, respect, and imperfect, but perfect love that define my family and thus me.

I am driven by the hope of transformation and the beauty of loving over doing. In the intricacies of God’s plan, I am challenged and confirmed by knowing that I am a part—and that I have been given gifts to share in building of the body of Christ.

I am founded in the rich heritage and tradition of our Catholic faith—in the curiosity to learn and understand more—but also to listen—and in the importance and value of relationships.

I am dedicated to following the rhythm of the people of Honduras and allowing myself to be molded, challenged and reborn in this new land. In modeling my ability to learn on that of a child, I look to nurture a listening heart and to daily make frequent acts of love for God. In every encounter, may I seek the face of Christ and truly reverence each person as a gift in my journey. May I live in the present-never taking for granted the obstacles and joys of sacrifice and simplicity. And may I learn to be patient in my shortcomings and lifted up by the warmth of hope.

I am sustained by the undeniable presence of the Holy Spirit working in my life. With God before me, Jesus beside me, and the Holy Spirit within me, I left myself fall into the arms of God.