Sunday, March 30, 2008

I miss.....

I miss carpet.
I miss the Penguin’s Dixie Chicken sandwiches.
I miss listening to the radio in the car.
I miss sleeping in without consequences or guilt.
I miss Saturday morning cartoons.
I miss Mum’s cooking.
I miss flushing a toilet without throwing water down it.
I miss warm, soft laundry freshly from the dryer.
I miss clean feet.
I miss late night food runs.
I miss having a mess of friends mere minutes from my dorm room.
I miss my body pillow.
I miss wearing heels.
I miss warm steamy showers than can last up to 30 minutes.
I miss having a social life.
I miss spring fever.
I miss being in driving distance from home.
I miss swinging and talking on the swing bench at Queens.
I miss chocolate pretzels.

1 comment:

VG said...

You may be missing lots of things for a year, but what is important is that the people whom you have tried to help to the best of your physical and emotional abilities are going to miss you for the rest of their lives once you leave Honduras and get back to your "normal" life in a socalled affluent part of the world! God bless You!