Friday, July 27, 2007

Orientation Dos: New York

Here is a post that some how didn't get posted from about two weeks ago....Enjoy!

Greetings from New York! A week ago, we made the seven hour trip from Pittsburgh to Riverdale and boy, was it a journey. Since we had the pleasure of driving with Father Lucian, it was a slightly scary ride...with some swerving here and there and some additional excitement. New York is very different from Pittsburgh. The retreat center is located right on the Hudson River and its beautiful. On the first night here, we got to watch the sun set over the river.
On Sunday, we ventured to Bed Sty to celebrate misa en espanol and had the pleasure of meeting Father Jim O'Shea. Father Jim has been living and working in the Bed Sty area for the last twenty or so years and seemed to know everyone who entered the church, walked past us on the streets, or stopped by at our barbecue. Bed Sty is located in Brooklyn, New York and is 95% Hispanic or African American. In many ways, I think this was one of the first experiences for most of us of being the minority. We, as well-to-do white Americans, were entering into a community that looked and lived lives very different to ours. After chowing down on some good ol barbecue, we engaged in a discussion with the members of the Bed Sty community about the ins and outs of being a volunteer and entering a new community.It was extremely eye opening and grounding to say the least. We were given the experience of taking a step in the shoes of the people of the community and what and how they feel when volunteers arrive. Later, we ventured to the streets where we heard thirteen year olds talk matter of factly about shoot outs between different project housing. We learned of the battle to build more affordable housing and we began to understand the hurdles this community faces. Hands down, this one day was the most unsettling and important part of orientation for me.
The week continued with presentations galore. If I was to list them all, well then we would be here for the next three weeks or so. But a zoom through the week would include a trip to the United Nations building, a mime to demonstrate the importance of symbols and ritual (I think), writing poetry, playing softball (yes...I did something athletic), some group sessions, and lots more.
One more week to go and my birthday too!!

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