Monday, October 29, 2007

Photo Details

Okay this has taken a lot longer than expected, but I’m sure you are used to that by now from me! These are some of my favorite photos from the last month and though the pictures are nice in themselves, the stories behind them are better.

1. Munchkin in a Tree: Meet Fernando. He’s one of my favorites. He lives in Terrero Colorado and he’s seven years old. When we went to Terrero a couple of weeks ago, we spent about an hour at his house mainly because he’s ridiculously funny. Beside his house is this tree and it’s full of these very sour oranges. Here, he is climbing to pick fruit for us.

2. A Little Help from a Tall Gringo: Once Fernando figured out that getting the fruit from the top of the tree was a little too far for his short arms, Matt stepped in to help out. If you can, zoom in on Fernando’s face or just take a close look. He has the biggest smile on his face and I can’t help but smile when I see it.

3. A Forest Adventure: On one of our free days, we ventured to La Tigra, the first national park in Honduras. We trekked through mile after mile of what seemed like uncharted territory and here is the team disappearing into more of the forest.

4. Our Reward: And this was our destination for an hour and half trek. We had climbed up walls, jumped over roots bigger than hippopotamuses, and walked past leaves bigger than my head. And it was all worth it.

5. The Quinze: For the big Independence Day, the kids dressed up in dancers costume to parade through the streets. This is one of the girls who goes to our nightly community meeting. I love this photo.

6. Through a Fence: Back at la Tigra, one of the many beautiful views but through a wire fence.

7. Beautiful Eyes: And these following photos are all from the Independence Day celebrations. Many of the children dress up in Indigenous clothes like this little boy.

8. Indigenous Girl

9. Little, little Red Riding Hood

10. Mi hermanita: Bessie is my little sister in my Honduran family. She is quirky and lovable. And for the most part, she makes me laugh. She is seven years old and is so quick. She is part of the radio show I do every Saturday morning and she is in charge of the agenda and being the MC.

11. Indigenous girl

12. Little Soldiers

13. Love of my life: This is the little boy, Fernando, from Terrero Colorado.

14. A Quick Nap: Ha-ha! Matt and I were leaving Tegucigalpa and in the middle of rush hour traffic, we saw this man taking a nap in the bed of a pick up truck. The air around him is surrounded with pollution and dust. But, I think he was in a different world of dreams.

15. Happy Spectators: For the day of the children, festivities of piñatas, candy, soda, and professors who are MCs for the day ensued. This is Rubi and her little sister. They are watching Prof. Carlos play a game called Chicharon (pork rinds) where you have to answer every question with Chicharon. It’s very funny.

16. Love of my life Part Two: And more Fernando. The Mayor’s office came to Terrero Colorado the day after day of the children and brought with them three piñatas. Here is Fernando with the remnants of the first piñata on his head!

17. Los Hombres: Matt and Tyler pose for a stunning photo in front of the basilica of Suyapa, the biggest basilica in Central America. We spent a day with Alex and Puri from the Casa showing us the sights of their city.

18. Me: I decided these looked like the perfect place for a reenactment of singing in the rain. It made me smile

19. Rain Friends: Nasa and I decided to venture out in the rain to go get icecream with Amy. It was pouring….like crazy so I have my rain boots on and Nasa has my fleece. It was the most fun ice cream adventure so far.

20. Oso: This is our dog—he only looks this cute when you give him a bath. He has since grown quite a bit and is about to grow bigger than this bucket. We have to give him baths more often than not because he gets lots of ticks. Last week, we pulled out over 20 ticks…yuck, yuck!

21. Sight for Sore Eyes: I love this photo. We went to Yuscaran on our free day last month and it was a beautiful little cobbled street town. We found this deserted, decaying building that was home to an impromptu football game—and home to this beautiful sight.

22. Gringos in Yuscaran: My teammates in Yuscaran in front of one of the colorful trucks that transport everything across Honduras.

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