Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Photo installment.....

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

Alice!! I just read your entries and looked at your photos for the first time. (Sorry it has taken me this long.) But I just wanted to let you know that my heart is with you! The photos are so beautiful, and everyone looks so full of love. Your entry about living a good life is really speaking to me right now. It is good to wonder if our lives have meaning and frequently I have many of those same thoughts myself... and I think that what you are doing right now may be the most important thing: the search of a good life.
We obviously cannot live a perfect life, but we can learn and grow and help others, just as you are doing so vigorously right now. I believe it is the search and the seeking that matters the most, and not staying stagnant. God wants us to learn more about Him and search our faith and I believe he created us to be curious about our own lives and this wonderful world around us as well.
The fact that you are thinking about and wondering how to live a vaild life proves, at least to me, that yours is and will continue to be a good one. I am so proud of you for your strength, despite your struggles, in this amazing physical, mental, and spiritual journey that you are taking.

I pray that you feel God's presence around you every moment of everyday and that He continues to surround you and the people there with his undying Love and Protection. May your heart stay strong through your journey and may your selflessness and compassion continue to bless all those around you.

Love in thought and prayer,